
  • eISSN:
  • “Al-Hameed”
  • pISSN:
  • Frequency: Bianual (2 issues per year)
  • Nature: Print and Online
  • Submission: Via OJS System
  • Languages of Publication: Arabic, English, Urdu

Aim and Scope: Al-ameed is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed Bianual research Journal of international repute published by the JamiaSiddique e Akbar, Lahore. Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in the Al-Ḥameed research Journal.It provides a forum for the dissemination of findings related to social issues and various aspects of society in Islamic perspective. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of social, environmental and cultural factors affecting individuals and society as well. The journal welcomes articles from all disciplines allied to Social Sciences. Importance is given to original and empirical research. However, comprehensive and up-to-date reviewed articles are also considered for publication. 

The authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts two copies in hard form and one soft copy via online journal system (OJS) prepared using MS Word and should be clearly labeled with the author’s names, their designation and affiliation, file name and software version.

Publication  Ethic Policy:

Each manuscript should be accompanied by a statement that it has neither been published nor been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyrighted material from other sources. Authors are also responsible to ensure that the article contains no plagiarism that will be checked by TURNITIN. All accepted articles will become the property of the publisher.

All parts of the manuscripts should be typewritten and printed on one side of the paper, text font size 12, Times New Roman, left aligned, double spaced for English articles and 14 for Arabic (SakkalMujallah) and Urdu (JamilNooriNastaleeq) articles. For main headings, font size for English should be 14 and for Arabic and Urdu 16 but for sub headings should be 12 for English and 14 for Arabic and Urdu in bold form. The manuscript should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. Authors should also supply a shortened version of the title suitable for the running head, not exceeding 50 characters space. All article (Eng, Urdu, Arabi) should be summarized in an abstract between200 to 250 words in English with Standard transliteration.

Manuscripts including tables, figures, illustrations and references, should be prepared in accordance with the publication Manual of Chicago Style. The references should be given as footnote.

Review Policy: The journal follows the double-blind peer-reviewing policy.

Message of Editor:

Al-ameedencourages the authors to submit researches conducted under interdisciplinary collaboration on the important socio-Religious issues including interfaith harmony and studies in contemporary religions. The main objective of Al-Ḥameed is to promote Islamic based research through modern research techniques and social science methodologies.