About the Journal

Aim and Scope: Al-ameed is an open access, double-blind peer reviewed Quarterly research Journal of international repute published by the Jamia Siddique e Akbar, Lahore. Articles by learned research scholars from all over the world are published in Al-Ḥameed research Journal. It provides a forum for the dissemination of findings related to social issues and various aspects of society in Islamic perspective. The journal aims to enhance the understanding of social, environmental and cultural factors affecting individuals and society as well. The journal welcomes articles from all disciplines allied to Social Sciences. Importance is given to original and empirical research. However, comprehensive and up-to-date reviewed articles are also considered for publication. 

The authors are strongly encouraged to submit manuscripts two copies in hard form and one soft copy via online journal system (OJS) prepared using MS Word and should be clearly labeled with the author’s names, their designation and affiliation, file name and software version.

There is no any Processing or submission fee however only 20000 is the publishing fee for the maitinance of Website of the journal.