لادین ریاستوں میں مسلم اقلیتیں،درپیش چیلنجز اور لائحہ عمل

Muslim Minorities in Secular States, Contemporary Challenges and Strategy


  • Dr. Muhammad Younus Javaid Lecturer, Govt.Islamia Graduate College, Kasur
  • Shakoor Alam Lecturer/Vice Principal, Govt. College of Technology, Kamalia


Every Muslim is the brother of other Muslim and all the Muslims form one brotherhood. The Muslims constitutes one nation. In His last sermon, The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammadﷺtaught this lesson to His Companions. Therefore, all Muslims in all over the world feel sympathy towards other Muslims. This brotherhood makes an unique relations to all Muslims.

In International relations, all states focus to their national interests. They look forward welfare their citizens in other states. No minority can remain indifferent and isolated from its majority.

The Muslim minorities living in the world in general and in the West in particular are facing many challenges. They are generally based on ethnic, religious, intellectual, cultural and other aspects. At present, among the problems that the Muslim minority is facing in the western culture and civilization, the blasphemy of the Religion and the Prophet, prohibition of Hijab, obstruction in the construction of Mosques, attacks on civilized values etc. are at the top.






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