The Evolution of Political Sovereignty in Islamic Political and Social Thoughts


  • Hafiz Muhammad Masood Ahmad Education University, Lahore
  • Irfan Qaisar PhD Scholar, NUML Islamabad; Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad.


Sovereignty, Political sovereignty, Islamic political thought, Western political theory, Nationalism


The concept of “sovereignty” has its roots in the Latin phrase “SUPRANUS” and refers to the supreme power and will of a nation-state. In Islamic political and social ideas, it has been a subject of scholarly discourse. In Western political thought, sovereignty is often seen as a fundamental constituent of a state, alongside people, territory, and government. The idea has undergone several transformations, with prominent Western intellectuals like John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau espousing its importance. In the 19th century, nationalism challenged the idea, leading to the rise of people’s sovereignty, asserting that political authority comes directly from the populace. This concept has been a topic of contention within the Islamic intellectual tradition, eliciting varying perspectives among Muslim thinkers. The concept of political sovereignty has been a key part of Islamic political philosophy throughout history, shaped by factors such as the rise and fall of successive dynasties, the spread of Islam, and the challenges posed by colonialism and modernity. The evolution of political sovereignty is a dynamic process influenced by various political views, including those originating from Islamic social thought. The Islamic government is rooted in divine governance, prioritizing the role of the caliph, scholars, judiciary, and public input. Its fundamental objective is to serve humanity and establish global peace and justice. To address the concerns of the contemporary Western elite, it is crucial to recognize that an Islamic government is a holistic system that harmonizes worldly and spiritual dimensions.






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