وراثتی مسائل میں تفسیر معارف القرآن اور صراط الجنان کا تقابلی مطالعہ

Comperative Study of Matters of Heritance between Marif al Quran and Sirat al Jinan


  • Nimra Naeem Govt School
  • Nafisa Khalil NCBA&E Lahore


Heritance is an important part of Islamic teachings that has a vitol role in the economic life of the society. Some of the matters have been selected from both of the exegesis Marif ak Quranand Sirat al Jianan. Comperative method of research has been adopted to conduct the research. It can be concluded that Mufti Muhammad Shafi has discussed these matters in detail with references of other sources whereas Mufti Qasim has discussed them in brief and to the point. He has alson given the hadiths to strengthen his point of view. The matters related o the warathat have been discussed and anlysed in this article to compare the style andmethod of the two mofassirine.






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