اصول اجتہاد کا معنی ومفہوم: ایک تجزیاتی مطالعہ

The Meaning and Connotation of Usul e Ijtihad: An Analytical Study


  • Ayaz Akhter Ph.D. Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies & Sharia, MY University, Islamabad, Pakistan
  • Faraha Siddique University of Gujrat
  • Dr. Bushra Subhan Assistant Professor, Institute of Islamic Studies & Sharia, MY University, Islamabad, Pakistan


 Muslim legal reasoning is based on the "fundamentals of jurisprudence," or usul al-Fiqh. This complex framework dictates how jurists (fuqaha) use the Quran and Sunnah as primary sources to extract principles that then guide their derivation of rulings (ahkam) on current concerns. This article delves deeply into the fundamental ideas of Usul al-Fiqh, examining its methodology, historical evolution, and guiding principles. It looks at the many schools of thought within Usul and compares how they read the Bible and determine what legitimate law is. The article also discusses the current issues that Usul al-Fiqh must deal with, such adjusting to a world that is changing quickly and balancing traditional beliefs with contemporary realities. The abstract emphasizes the vital significance of Usul al-Fiqh in guaranteeing the flexibility and vitality of Islamic law through its subtle analysis. It highlights the continuing dialogue.


Author Biography

Ayaz Akhter, Ph.D. Scholar, Institute of Islamic Studies & Sharia, MY University, Islamabad, Pakistan








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