حد زناء و قذف کے احکام کا تطبیقی ترجیحی مطالعہ تفسیر النکت کی روشنی میں

Analysis of Had e Zana and Qazf in the light of Tafseer Al-Nukat


  • Abdul Basit Lahore Garrison University, Lahore
  • Dr Muhammad Waris Ali


Tafsir al-Nukat wal’oyun by al Māwardī (450 H) is commentary of the Qur’ān. This book was published in 1406 H by Aoqāf Department of Kuwait. Jurisprudencial issues have been discussed in this tafsir. In this article Issues of Ḥad e Zinā and Qazaf have been analysed and discussed. Different point of views of Islamic scholras have been discussed and analysed to solve the jurisprudencial issues about Ḥad Zinā and Qazaf. It has been tried to make conformity among the opinions of the jurists. Analytical and descriptive method of research has been adopted in this article. Selected text of al-Nukat and verses have been discussed about the matter under discussion. It can be concluded that al-Māwardī has also  mentioned the viewpoint of other contemporary scholars in his book. He has prefered one opinion to other by arguments from Qur’ān and sunnah.







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