واصف علی واصف کے پنجابی کلام کا اسلامی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں جائزہ

Review of Punjabī Kalām of Wāṣif Ali Wāṣif in the Light of Islamic Teachings


  • Dr Ata-Ur-Rehman Meo Lahore Garrison University, Lahore
  • Hafiza Ayesha Saddiqa Ph. D scholar Lahore college for woman university Lahore


Wāṣif Ali Wāṣif is a renowned poet and writer. He also wrote poetry in Punjabī which itself a master piece. His poetry is filled with the depth of Ṣufism. He beautifully explained idea of life which is according to Qurān and Sunnah. In Punjabī poetry he used many Punjabī proverbs and idioms which made his poetry more understandable. Wāṣif’s poetry is adorned with precious essence of true love. He prayed to Allah to quench his thirst for love and followed the path of Allah in search of him throughout his life. He writes those who seek Allah pass through the paths of men. Man is the seeker and man is the manifestation of attributes. Allah almighty created man to express himself. Give man the skills to know about this universe and theirs. May Allah introduce us to his creation, O Allah, show us the straight path, that is, the path of those who have beeb rewarded the way is God’s way. In this article an attempt is made to present a view on his Punjabī poetry.






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