ام المو منین حضرت خدیجۃ الکبریٰ رضی اللہ عنہا کی دعوتی و تبلیغی خدمات

Services of Umm al-Momineen Hadhrat Khadija al-Kubra to Preach Islam


  • Shamsa Noreen Associate Professor of Islamiat, Govt Associate College for women Gujar Khan


gender-based harassment, legal protection, sexual harassment, public sector employment, women's rights


Ḥazrat Khadija-tul-kabra( may Allah be Pleased with her) was the first wife of the Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ.  She was well known among the people of her tribe for her great character, virtuousness and generosity. Infact,she was a person of deep insight and deliberation. Her practical sagacity was perfect. This can be understood by her choice of the Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ  asher husband  amongst various wealthy businessman suitors. When the messenger of Allah declared His Prophethood, she became the first Muslim to believe in her husband without any hesitation. She encouraged the Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ with consoling and encouraging words.  During the prophethood mission, she offered her moral, physical, social and financial support to spread the message of Islām. She used to preach the doctrines of Islām at her home as well. When the Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ   and his followers were suffering from hardships and economic problems, she bequeathed all her wealth at her husband’s disposal for the propagation of Islām and to support the poors, widows, orphans and handicapped people of Makkah. Indeed from 1st revelation in the cave of “Hira” till the painful bycott in Shaib-e-Abi Tālib, she proved herself as true Companion and loyal supporter of the Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ. As a wife, she always stood by her husband in fulfilling the challenging  mission of guiding the people towards the path of Allah. Whenever Holy Prophet Ḥazrat Muḥammadﷺ  was downhearted. She inspired Him with fresh hope and renewed courage. Unfortunately, her peerless sacrifices for preachiging Islām could not be exposed and accentuated thoroughly. In this article an effort has been made to highlight her Pivotal role in preaching the message of Islām.






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