تجدیدِ دین کے ضوابط اور تحدیات

Rules and limitations for Renewal of Religion


  • Muhammad Asadullah Phd Scholar,Islāmic studies,University of Karachi
  • Dr. Taj Muhammad Assistant professor,University of Karachi,Karachi


Some regulations have been established by the eminent scholars, imams, jurists and mujtahids of the muslim commumity in accordance with the teachings of the Qurān and Sunnah. The assence of these regulations is drived from the Qurān and Sunnah. The intention of the Qurān and Sunnah is that the propagation and dissemination of Islām should be crried out with these regulations and principles in mind. The definitive and unambiguous aspects should be accepted as they are. Reason should always be subordinate to Sharia. Desire of the self should be kept away. Only a person who thoroughly understands the principles and regulations of renewal should undertak it, and such a person must also posses the necessary knowledge.following the terminologies and consepts of sharia and essentioal. The propagation of Islām and the renewal of faith should be done within the framework of Sharia terminologies and concepts. Exessiveness, extremism and rigidity should be avoided in matters of religion. The teachings of Islām should always be considered paramount. One should avoid following dispensations and arrors and should not amalgamate different religious school of thought. Islām is a universal and and global religion, and its teachings should be spread accordingly. Furthermore, care should be taken to avoid imposing any restrictions or limitations that are not sanctioned by Allah and his Messenger.






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