Effects of western thoughts on bighraphy: Effects of western thoughts on bighraphy


  • Tasadduq Mahmood Ph D Scholar, Punjab University, Lahore


When Western philosophy started its journey, the direction of energy was completely opposite to theism, but in the beginning, they continued to bathe naturalism with theism, but naturalism continued to prevail over theism. Even the imagination of God and the imagination of everything that is beyond the physical world completely disappeared from them, science became synonymous with naturalism and the faith of the philosophers was founded on that which cannot be measured and weighed. Coins have no reality. The West does not mean a geographical region, but the name of commitment to a coherent system of ideology and ideas is the name of the West. This commitment has made the geographical boundaries of the West meaningless and has also made the non-Western regions in the uniformity of their values ​​and ideas. The basic principles of the West are freedom, equality and development. Based on these three principles, the concept of the West is based on the concept of man, man alone and man standing on his own. Currently, Western thought and civilization refers to the ideas and value systems that started from ancient Greece to modernity and post-modernity and its other sub-schools have appeared in the case. The 20th century began with enormous challenges for mankind, along with the emergence of forces that were setting a new direction for the world by confronting these challenges. The West presented materialism as the last resort of humanity and resorted to various anti-humanist philosophies. Countless manifestations of Western colonialism in the World War.






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