قومی ترقی میں تربیت اولاد کے اثرات کا جائزہ (سیرت نبوی ﷺ کے تناظر میں)

Analysis of the impact children’s training in Development of Nation in the light of Seerat al-Nabi ﷺ


  • Ayaz Akhter University of Gujrat
  • Hafiza Farah Siddique M Phil Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Gujrat


Child education, Decrease in crime, development, Seerat


Child education, also known as child development, is a critical aspect of national development. It refers to the process of providing children with the necessary skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to become productive members of society. Educating children can have a significant impact on national development as it shapes the nation's future workforce, leaders and citizens. There are several ways in which the training of children can affect national development, including: Better education: Healthier and more productive citizens: Educating children can also lead to healthier and more productive citizens. Children who learn healthy habits like good nutrition and regular exercise are more likely to grow up healthy and strong, which can contribute to a more productive workforce. Decrease in crime, Gender equality, Sustainable Development. It can be said that children's education is a vital aspect of national development. It can lead to a more educated, productive, healthy and inclusive society. Governments and stakeholders should prioritize children's education to ensure the long-term growth and development of their nations.






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