سائنسی ترقی میں مسلم سائنسدانوں کے کردار کا جائزہ

Analysis of Role of Muslim Scientists in Scientific Development


  • Bushra Nawaz M Phil Scholar, Islamic Studies Department, NCBE & A, Lahore
  • Dr Muhammad Waris Ali Lahore Garrison University, Lahore
  • Dr Mufti Hafiz Ali Nawaz Mudarris Jamia Fatimat ul Zahra Madrisa Chak 111 J, Faisalbad


Contribution of Muslim Scientists, Jābir ibn Ḥayyān, Al-Khwārizmī,


Muslim scientists have played an important role in scientific development and many famous scientific scholars have made great contribution in various fields, which have helped in the development of science. Some important Muslim scientists’ contribution to the field of science has discussed in this article. Jābir ibn Ḥayyān (721-815) was a prominent Muslim chemist whose chemical works later became the basis of traditional alchemy. He made important analysis in the field of alchemy and determined the basic properties of metals. Al-Khwārizmī (780-850) was one of the most famous mathematicians in human history and the founder of Algebra. He solved many calculus problems and invented numerical techniques that later proved important to geometrical mathematics. Ibn al-Haytham (965-1040 AD) was a well-known scientist and mathematician of the Islāmic class. He laid the foundation of scientific principles in the field of physics and introduced the knowledge of light, the study of which was crucial to Einstein's development of quantum mechanics. Abu Alī Ibn Sinā (980-1037) was a prominent Muslim physician, philosopher, and medical expert. His work proved to be very important in the field of medical science and he made detailed studies of the human body which later proved to be very important to European medical knowledge. The work of these Muslim scientists contributed significantly to scientific progress and their analyzes and inventions improved scientific thinking and experiments in various fields. His intellectual legacy has inspired scientists around the world, which has further enhanced scientific progress.






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