اقامتِ صلوٰۃ : تفسیر ابنِ عاشور "التحریر والتنویر"کا اختصاصی مطالعہ

Offering Prayer: A Specific Study of Tafsīr Ibn-E-Aāshur "Al-Taḥrīr Wa Tanweer"


  • Amanat Ali PhD Scholar, Shaikh Zaid Islamic Centre, Punjab University, Lahore


Offering of Prayer, Human guidance, purpose of Prayer, Ibn-e-Aāshur


The Creator of the Universe sent the Prophets (peace and blessings of Allah be upon them) successively for human welfare and salvation in this universe. Along with this, He sent down the heavenly books and scriptures for human guidance, which are the promise that these Prophets (peace be upon them) the worldly and hereafter gains and prosperity are implied in following the religions, teachings, and prayers brought by them. This is what is required of a Muslim to accept these commands of God without hesitation, to follow them and follow these teachings, pass it on to others. This process can be done individually and also collectively. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to make them aware of this guidance from all the people he has encountered in his life and who are deprived of this divine guidance. Give evidence of 'right' by your words and actions. It is also required of the Muslims collectively that there must be one or more groups among them who make this work their mission and carry it out in a planned manner. Numerous texts of the Quran and Sunnah indicate this. One of the commands of Allah is "offering of Prayer" mean the performance of prayer. In this research the literal meaning of the word Prayer, the substantive derivation of the word Prayer, the terminological interpretations of the word Prayer, the rhetorical meaning of offering, the implied meanings of offering of Prayer with the present tense, the importance of offering of Prayer in the prevention of disbelief, the purpose of persevering in Prayer, and others have been elaborated and discussed. The first interpretation has been done in the light of Ibn-e-Aāshur and finally, suggestions and recommendations, summary words and references have been given in this article.






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