دور تابعین میں اجتماعی اجتہادکا تجزیاتی مطالعہ

Analytical Study of Collective Ijtihād in the Period of Tābi'īn


  • Muhammad Aslam MY University


Ijtihād is an important term of Islamic Shari'ah. Deducing practical rulings and duties from jurisprudential sources with specific conditions is called ijtihād. Collective ijtihād refers to a group of jurists using their abilities to search for a Shariah ruling through inference and then reaching a consensus on a Shariah ruling on a problem after mutual consultation is called collective ijtihād. He handled thought and opened new doors of ijtihad with his knowledge and grace and introduced the Muslim Ummah to a new dimension of thought. During the Khilaphat e Rashidah, the jurists of the Companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) spread to the major Islamic cities and established academic councils and educational circles there. The number of followers who benefited from these Companions was very large and these followers took over the post of teaching and teaching in these cities after the death of the Companions. Until the era of Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Umar, the institution of collective and advisory ijtihād continued to develop well. But during the era of Hazrat Uthmān and Hazrat Ali (RA), due to some political and intellectual differences and mutual wars and conflicts, the community of Muslims became a victim of chaos, which had an impact on various sub-institutions of the Islamic State. Therefore, the institution of collective ijtihād, which we see at its peak during the time of Hazrat Umar, began to decline in the last part of the Caliphate during the reign of Hazrat Usmān Ghani. By the time of the Tabi'in, mutual conflicts had come under control to some extent, but the foundations of intellectual and political differences had become very deep, so many new differences had also emerged.






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